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Fast and personalised support. Register a company for FREE* with Rocket Legal+

Company formation

from FREE + Companies House fee

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FREE* with Rocket Legal+

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We'll take care of your company or LLP formation so you can focus on your business.

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Business Registration FAQs

  • How can Rocket Lawyer help you register your company?

    Company registration can be a time-consuming and complicated process. Rocket Lawyer has a team of legal professionals available to assist you in incorporating your company to make the process as seamless and affordable as possible.

    To get started:

    • submit your contact details

    • a lawyer will then contact you for a free 15 minute consultation discussing what you need

    • you’ll receive a no obligation fixed price or discounted quote on your legal work

    • if you’re happy with the quote, you pay the invoice and your legal pro can start the work

    As part of Rocket Lawyer’s company registration service, our lawyers will:

    • advise on what company structure best suits your business needs

    • guide and assist you through the company formation process

    • help complete, register and file Companies House forms

  • What is company registration?

    Company registration, incorporation and company formation are all terms used for the process of setting up a business as a legal entity. A business cannot operate as a company until it has been registered at Companies House under the Companies Act 2006.

  • 5 steps you have to take when registering a company

    Before registering a company at Companies House, you should:

    • check if your ideal company name is available. If another company has registered the same name, you will have to choose a different one

    • choose a registered office address. A company must have a registered office address where notices, letters and reminders can be delivered

    • decide what type of company you want to form. The most common type of company in the UK is a private company limited by shares, however, you can also form a private company limited by guarantee, a private unlimited company or a public limited company

    • choose who you want to run the company. Private companies are required to have at least one director who must be an individual (as opposed to a company acting as a director)

    • decide how many shares you want to issue and at what value. A very simple way to form a company is to issue, at registration, one share at the value of £1, using the sole director as the shareholder. Additional shares can be issued at a later date

  • What happens after my company is incorporated?

    After a company is registered at Companies House you will be sent:

    • a Certificate of Incorporation

    • a Memorandum of Association

    • your Articles of Association

    The Certificate of Incorporation is evidence that all the requirements of a registration of a company under the Companies Act 2006 have been complied with and that the company is registered.

    The Memorandum of Association is a statement signed by all initial company shareholders which confirms their intention to form a company and become members of that company upon formation. 

    The Articles of Association are a company’s internal rulebook, which set out how the business will be run and decisions made. Provided that the Articles contain nothing illegal, a company is free to choose which rules are included. 

    For more information read What happens after you register your company.