MAKE YOUR FREE Change of Address Letter

What we'll cover
What is a Change of Address Letter?
When should I use a Change of Address Letter?
Use this Change of Address Letter:
when you move home or business premises
to notify everyone that you have moved and what your new address is
if you are based in England, Wales or Scotland
Sample Change of Address Letter
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re: Notification of change of address
give notice that as from the date of address will change from:
, .
Please ensure that you note the above information and direct all future correspondence to new address.
Yours sincerely,
About Change of Address Letters
Learn more about making your Change of Address Letter
How to make a Change of Address Letter
Making a Change of Address Letter online is simple. Just answer a few questions and Rocket Lawyer will build your document for you. When you have all of the details prepared in advance, making your document is a quick and easy process.
To make your Change of Address Letter you will need the following information:
What are the recipient’s details?
How many individuals are giving notice of their change of address - one or two?
Provide the sender’s name or the senders’ names.
What was the old address?
What is the new address?
What is the date of the move?
Will the telephone number be different at the new address? If so, what is the new telephone number?
On what date will this Letter be sent?
Common terms in a Change of Address Letter
A Change of Address Letter carries out the important function of notifying everyone of your new address. To do this, the Letter template covers:
Sender and recipient details
The start of the Change of Address Letter sets out the details (ie name and address) of the recipient and sender(s).
Re: Notification of change of address
The body of the Change of Address Letter explains the purpose of the Letter and sets out the current/previous address of the sender(s), their new address, and when they will move to the new address. Where relevant, it also provides a new telephone number where the sender(s) can be contacted.
The Letter requests that the recipient notes this information and directs all future correspondence to the new address.
Legal tips for making a Change of Address Letter
Make multiple versions of the Letter
Often, when you move, you will have to notify multiple parties of your new address. Make sure to make enough copies of the Change of Address Letter so that you can send them to all relevant parties.
Prepare in advance
To help your move be as smooth as possible and to avoid any unnecessary complications, you should make your Change of Address Letter in advance of your move. By giving all relevant parties advance notice you make sure that by the time you actually move everyone knows about your new address.
Understand when to seek advice from a lawyer
Ask a lawyer if:
this document doesn’t meet your specific needs
you have been the victim of identity theft
you’re a business and aren’t sure who to notify of your change in address or how to do this
Change of Address Letter FAQs
What is included in a Change of Address Letter?
This Change of Address Letter template covers:
the change in address and when it happens
a request to send all future correspondence to the new address from the date of the change
a new telephone number (optional)
Why do I need a Change of Address Letter?
A Change of Address Letter is used to formally notify someone that you have moved and now have a new address.
Issuing a formal Letter is the best way to inform relevant parties, like HRMC, your bank or credit card provider, your employer, your pension provider, or your business contacts of your change of address.
If you don't notify the relevant parties of your change in address you could find yourself the victim of identity fraud or inconvenienced by not being able to arrange deliveries or even credit. Whenever you send a Change of Address Letter you should note whether the other party has replied, acknowledging the receipt of your Letter. This helps you avoid any later complications.
Can I use this Letter to notify a change of business location?
Yes, this Letter can also be used if your business location changes (eg if your business headquarters changes). Sending this Letter will ensure that your clients and customers know where to find you. If you are a business, it may be advantageous to send such a Letter in advance of your moving to help ensure a smooth transition.
Be aware that you may have to notify certain organisations in a special way. For example, if you run a company, you will need to notify Companies House of a change to the company’s registered address using a prescribed form. For more information, Ask a lawyer.
Who should I send the Change of Address Letter to?
This will depend on the specifics of your situation. Generally, you should let anyone who you deal with in an official or unofficial capacity know. Common examples of people who should typically be informed of your new address include:
your employer
your bank
your pension provider
organisations you are a member of (eg a gym)
subscription providers (eg magazine subscriptions)
utility companies
your business customers and clients
your suppliers
Certain organisations must be informed whenever you change your address. This can often be done on their website. Examples of such organisations include:
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) - for example, to notify them for National Insurance and income tax purposes. More information on the process can be found on the HMRC website
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) - you must inform the DVLA to update the address on your driving licence. More information on the process can be found on the DVLA website
Electoral Register - to change your address on the electoral register, you need to re-register to vote. More information on the process can be found on the Government website
Note that, if you want your mail to be redirected by Royal Mail, you need to request this through the Royal Mail website.
When should I send a Change of Address Letter?
It is advisable to send your Letter before your actual move. Where possible, 30 days before changing your address is a good amount of advance notice to give.

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