MAKE YOUR FREE Child Travel Consent Form

What we'll cover
What is a Child Travel Consent Form?
To take a child abroad, you need permission from those with ‘parental responsibility’. A Child Travel Consent Form provides this permission to travel to and from a destination and sets out details relating to the travel. Child Travel Consent Forms can also be useful for travel within the UK (eg if you’re concerned that somebody may question whether you’re allowed to travel with the child) or if the child is travelling alone (eg to confirm that everyone with parental responsibility has agreed to this).
When should I use a Child Travel Consent Form?
Use this Child Travel Consent Form if your child is travelling domestically or internationally:
with one parent/legal guardian
with a group or an organisation (eg on a school trip), or
with an adult that is not a parent/legal guardian (eg an aunt or a family friend)
If your child’s domestic or international travel arrangements are different for the outbound and inbound journeys, you will need to make two Child Travel Consent Forms.
Sample Child Travel Consent Form
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide
,, declare that the parent/legal guardian of the following child:
the following medical needs and/or allergies (if any):
Child name | Medical needs and/or allergies |
If there are concerns regarding the information above or from this document, may be contacted at the address stated above or on:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Date of signature
in the presence of
Witness signature | |
Name of witness | |
Date of signature |
About Child Travel Consent Forms
Learn more about making your Child Travel Consent Form
How to make a Child Travel Consent Form
Making a Child Travel Consent Form online is simple. Just answer a few questions and Rocket Lawyer will build your document for you. When you have all of the details prepared in advance, making your document is a quick and easy process.
To make your Child Travel Consent Form you will need the following information:
Will the child be travelling domestically or internationally?
What are the child’s details (eg name, date of birth, place of birth and known medical needs)?
Is the child travelling:
With one parent or legal guardian only? What are the parent’s details? Do they have sole custody of the child?
With an adult who is not a parent or legal guardian? What are the details of the adult that the child is travelling with?
With a group or an organisation? What are the details of the organisation the child is travelling with? What are the chaperone’s details?
Parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s)
What are the details of the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) consenting to the travel?
What is the travel destination?
What are the travel dates?
Common terms in a Child Travel Consent Form
Use a Child Travel Consent Form to formally convey your consent for your child to travel without you, internationally or within the UK. To facilitate this, this Child Travel Consent Form template covers:
Parent details
This section sets out the details of the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) consenting to the child travelling. It also expressly declares that they are the parent(s) (or legal guardian(s)) of the child.
Child details
This section sets out the details of the child that will be travelling. This includes identifying details like their name, gender and (if they are travelling internationally) passport number.
This section sets out that the child is allowed to travel either alone, with a sole parent, with an adult who isn’t a parent or with an organisation. It clearly expresses that the child has the permission of the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) to do so and, where relevant, provides contact details for the adult the child is travelling with.
This section also provides details of the travel itself (ie the destination the child will travel to and from and the duration of the trip).
Medical notes
This section sets out any medical needs (including known allergies) that the child has.
Emergency contact details
This section sets out the contact details for the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) who aren't travelling with the child and who are consenting to the travel. It states that the non-travelling parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) should be contacted if there are any questions about the Child Travel Consent Form.
If you want your Child Travel Consent Form to include further or more detailed provisions, you can edit your document. However, if you do this, you may want a lawyer to review or change the Form for you, to make sure it complies with all relevant laws and meets your specific needs. Ask a lawyer for assistance.
Legal tips for making a Child Travel Consent Form
Check if additional documents or special requirements need to be provided or met
Before your child travels using a Child Travel Consent Form, make sure to check that this document is suitable. If your child is travelling by plane, make sure to check the airline’s website for any information about children travelling without their parents. Similarly, if your child is travelling internationally, check with the relevant embassy or consulate to see what additional documents you may need to provide and/or what requirements the Child Travel Consent Form needs to meet.
For more information, read the FAQs ‘Do I need documents to supplement a Child Travel Consent Form? ’ and ‘Does this Child Travel Consent Form have to be signed and witnessed?’.
Understand that Rocket Lawyer cannot witness or notarise your Child Travel Consent Form
Your Child Travel Consent Form needs to be signed in front of witnesses. However, you should be aware that Rocket Lawyer does not provide witnessing or notarising services. These services will need to be provided by a local solicitor or notary who will typically charge a small fee.
Understand when to seek advice from a lawyer
Ask a lawyer if you:
have questions about how to fill out the Child Travel Consent Form
are unsure if you have parental responsibility
want help creating a medical consent form for your child
Child Travel Consent Form FAQs
What is included in a Child Travel Consent Form?
This Child Travel Consent Form template covers:
the parents’ and/or legal guardians’ name(s)
the child’s or children’s name(s)
details of the adult (and, where applicable, organisation) accompanying the child
the child’s medical information
the parents and/or legal guardians’ emergency contact details
What is parental responsibility?
'Parental responsibility' means a parent's duties towards their child. Parental responsibility encompasses all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority a parent has in relation to their child and the child’s property. For more information, read Parental responsibility and Parents’ rights and responsibilities.
Who has parental responsibility?
Mothers automatically have parental responsibility for their child.
In England and Wales, fathers automatically have parental responsibility if they were married to the child’s mother at the date of birth. In Scotland, fathers automatically have parental responsibility if they were married to the child’s mother at the date of conception or if they married the child’s mother after the date of conception.
A father who is not married to the child’s mother can acquire parental responsibility by, for example:
marrying the mother after the birth (in England and Wales)
jointly registering the child’s birth with the birth mother (in England and Wales)
being named on the child’s birth certificate
Same-sex partners will usually have automatic parental responsibility over their partner’s child if they were:
married to or in a civil partnership with the child’s mother at the time of birth (in England and Wales)
married to or in a civil partnership with the child’s parent at the time they had the egg donation, embryo transfer, donor insemination or other treatment that produced the child
Alternatively, same-sex partners can usually obtain parental responsibility by getting married or entering a civil partnership with the child’s parent and then making a Parental responsibility agreement or jointly registering the child’s birth, or by applying for parental responsibility.
Parental responsibility can also either be agreed upon and confirmed in a written parental responsibility agreement with the child’s mother. This agreement usually needs to be signed and witnessed by the courts. Agreements can be with, for example, an unmarried father, an unmarried same-sex partner, or a step-parent. Alternatively, if an agreement cannot be reached, you can apply to the court for a court order declaring parental responsibility.
If both parents have died, the guardian of the child will usually have parental responsibility.
For more information, read Parental responsibility.
Do I need a Child Travel Consent Form?
When your child is travelling abroad, the adult travelling with them (eg a parent or an unrelated adult chaperone) may be asked to provide proof that they have permission to take the child abroad. Travelling without the proper permissions can amount to child abduction.
If your child is travelling alone, they may be asked to show proof that they have been given permission to travel abroad by themselves.
While a travel consent form may not always be necessary when travelling domestically (ie within the UK), permission from those with parental responsibility may be required if the child is going on school trips, solo trips, or travelling with a chaperone who does not have parental responsibility.
For more information, read Travelling with a child.
Does this Child Travel Consent Form have to be signed and witnessed?
This Child Travel Consent Form must be signed. It must be printed and physically signed, as signing online may be inadequate for some authorities (eg border authorities) that you could encounter while travelling.
A Child Travel Consent Form should be witnessed. A witness should generally witness each parent’s (or guardian’s) signature. A witness can usually be any third party who has no interest in the letter (ie not another family member).
This reassures authorities as to the document’s authenticity, which can be important, especially if the child is travelling internationally.
Additional requirements
Depending on where you are travelling (eg if you’re travelling internationally), there may sometimes be additional requirements. For example:
a Child Travel Consent Form may also need to be notarised
sometimes a lawyer or other professional may need to witness the signatures
Rocket Lawyer does not provide witnessing or notarising services. These services will need to be provided by a local solicitor or notary.
If you’re unsure about any additional requirements for your destination, you should check with your airline or travel agent or find information online. The embassy or consulate of your destination country may provide this information.
Do I need documents to supplement a Child Travel Consent Form?
Border control authorities or airlines may require additional information. For example, it may be necessary to show:
evidence of the travelling adult’s relationship with the child (eg the child’s birth certificate or adoption certificate)
a marriage or divorce certificate if you are a single parent but your surname is different from the child’s surname
Be aware that the country the child is travelling to may have additional requirements. You can usually obtain this information from the relevant embassy or consulate.
For more information, read Travelling with a child.
At what age is a person considered to be a child?
In the UK, people under the age of 18 are considered children.
Border officials at airports are vigilant when it comes to children travelling alone. Having a Child Travel Consent Form ensures that consent from all necessary parents/legal guardians can be shown.
Be aware that the country the child is travelling to may have different age limits for when a person is considered a child. You can usually obtain this information from the relevant embassy or consulate.
Why do I need to provide information about medical needs and/or allergies?
It is recommended that parents provide information about any medical needs and/or allergies of the child travelling, to make the travelling parties aware of the child’s health needs. Providing this information does not, however, generally amount to the parents consenting to medicine being administered to the child. Instead, a medical consent form is typically required for parents to consent to someone administering medication to their child. Ask a lawyer for more information.
For more information, read Travelling with a child.

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