Read the document to make sure it meets your needs and that everyone involved in the hiring process agrees. Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.
Job Description checklist
What's next?
You've made your document, great work! Now you should...
Make sure that any information that you have added to the Job Description complies with relevant laws and regulations about hiring, particularly rules against unlawful discrimination. For more information, read Recruitment.
Make the Job Description available to prospective employees. For example, use the Job Description to advertise your role. Or, add it to your role advertisement to provide further information for prospective employees.
Your Job Description can be amended to create a specification of a role to append to an Employment contract if required. When the Job Description is amended, keep a copy of each previous version.
A copy of the Job Description will also be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.