MAAK JE GRATIS Employment Contract (Dutch Law)

What is an Employment Contract?
An Employment Contract is a contract between you and your employee whereby the latter starts working for you. The Employment Contract contains the specific details of the relation between you and your employee. A signed Employment Contract can help you avoid many problems as an employer. In the absence of a written Employment Contract, confusion can arise on common topics, such as when wages are paid, what benefits your employee is entitled to and whether the employee is allowed to perform ancillary activities.
With an Employment Contract, your employees know exactly what you expect from them during their employment. It also determines what you as an employer are responsible for and what actions you take if your employee does not comply with the agreement.
These documents are governed by Dutch law and are GDPR-proof.
When do I need an Employment Contract?
You need an Employment Contract:
- when you want to sign a new contract with an existing employee
- when you want to employ someone new
- when you want to provide the written employment information required by law
- if you want to create a permanent or Fixed-term Contract
- if you want to create a Zero Hours Contract
When do I offer my employee a Fixed-Term Contract?
Many employers initially offer a new employee a Fixed-term Contract. Its main characteristic is that you have agreed with your employee in advance that his employment will end at a certain time. This could be because the end date of the contract has been reached or because a project for which you have entered into the contract has ended.
When do I offer my employee a Permanent Contract?
If the relationship with your employee is good and he is performing well, you can offer an extension at the end of the Fixed-term Contract. You can also give a new employee a Permanent Contract from the start. Its main feature is that it has no end date. The Employment Contract only ends when your employee resigns or you terminate the Employment Contract.
When do I offer my employee a Zero Hours Contract?
Use this Zero Hours Contract when you want to hire an employee on a casual or temporary basis to cover emergencies, changing demand or when you want the flexibility of employees who will not be promised a set hours of work, but are available when required.
Voorbeeld Employment Contract (Dutch Law)
De voorwaarden in je document worden bijgewerkt op basis van de informatie die je verstrekt
, located at , , number of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce , represented by , hereinafter referred to as: 'employer';
, living at , , born on in , hereinafter referred to as: ‘employee’;
employer and employee enter into an employment contract with each other for an indefinite period of time
this employment contract covers the terms of the agreement between the employer and the employee
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 - Job title and duties
The employer hereby employs the employee as . The employee agrees hereby to serve in such capacity.
The duties associated with this position consist of: . In addition, the duties consist of all activities that can reasonably be expected of the employee.
At the employer's request, the employee will perform work for companies affiliated with the employer's company.
Article 2 - Duration of the contract
Employer and employee enter into this contract for a indefinite period of time. The contract commences on .
Either employer or employee may terminate the employment by the end of the calendar month with due observance of the .
The employment will in any case end without written notice being required on the day on which the employee reaches the applicable retirement age.
Article 3 - Probation period
Article 4 - Collective labour agreement
Article 5 - Working hours and place of work
The employee works hours per week. The employee normally performs his duties on the following days: .
The employee normally performs his duties from to .
The employee normally performs his duties in .
The employee is expected to work overtime outside the agreed upon working hours, if this is necessary for the proper performance of his job.
Article 6 - Salary and holiday allowance
Article 7 - Holiday entitlement
In case of full-time employment, the employee is entitled to the legal minimum of 20 vacation days with pay per year. These are built up in proportion to the duration and scope of the employment contract.
The legal minimum of vacation days, 20 days based on full-time employment, may be carried over to the new year and expires 6 months after the accrual year.
All vacation days allocated for a year must preferably be used in that year.
When taking vacation, the employee must coordinate the vacation period within his team.
Article 8 - Illness and incapacity for work
If the employee is unable to perform his duties as a result of illness, he is obliged to report this to the employer as soon as possible, but in any case before 09.00 AM, even during holidays, unless this is not possible due to force majeure.
If the employee has not performed the agreed duties due to incapacity for work, the employer will, if and as long as the employment contract continues, continue to pay % of the agreed gross salary during the first 52 weeks of incapacity for work, calculated from the first day of illness. In the first year of illness, the employee receives at least the minimum wage. During the following 52 weeks of incapacity for work, the employee is entitled to % of the agreed gross salary.
During the period of leave due to pregnancy and childbirth, as stipulated in the Dutch Labour and Care Act (Wet Arbeid en Zorg) , the employee is entitled to the daily wage referred to in that law.
The employee is not entitled to the continued payment of salary referred to in this article if one of the situations as described in article 7:629 paragraph 3 Dutch Civil Code applies.
The employer is authorized to suspend the continued payment of salary referred to in this article for the period that the employee does not comply with reasonable instructions given in writing by the employer about the provision of information that the employer needs in order to determine his right to salary.
Article 9 - Company allowance
The employee is entitled to an expense allowance. This reimbursement applies to:
Article 10 - Pension plan
Article 11 - Duties of confidentiality
Article 12 - Ancillary activities
- During the term of this contract the employee shall not perform ancillary activities for another employer or client, directly or indirectly, or do business for his own account, unless the employer has given prior written permission.
- The employer cannot refuse the aforementioned permission, unless the employer has an objective justification for this at the time the employer refuses this permission.
- In the event of refusal, the employer will inform the employee of the aforementioned justification in writing.
- Objective justification means in any case the protection of the employer's business secrets or the prevention of conflicts of interest.
Article 13 - Non-compete clause
Article 14 - Busniness relation clause
Article 15 - Penalty clause
The employee is not bound by a penalty clause.
Article 16 - Intellectual property
- The employee acknowledges that all employment IPRs, employment inventions and works embodying them shall be owned automatically and absolutely by the employer to the fullest extent permitted by law. To the extent that they are not automatically owned by the employer, the employee holds them on trust for the employer.
- The employee agrees to promptly and on their creation, give the employer full written details of all employment inventions the employee makes wholly or partially during the course of his employment.
- At the employer’s request, and in any event, on the termination of the employment, the employee will give the employer all originals and copies of correspondence, documents, papers and records on all media which record or relate to any of the employment IPRs.
- The employee does his best to execute all documents and do all acts both during and after your employment by us as may, in the opinion of the employer, be necessary or desirable to vest the employment IPRs in the employer, to register them in the name of the employer and to protect and maintain the employment IPRs and the employment inventions.
Article 17 - Employment and company rules
The employee declares to be aware of and to agree with the employment and company rules applicable at the employer and to have received a copy of these employment and company rules.
Article 18 - Change of terms of employment
The employer reserves the right to unilaterally amend the terms of employment, with due observance of the provisions of Article 7:613 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Article 19 - Governing law and competence of court
This contract shall be governed by Dutch law.
All disputes arising under this contract (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court in the district where the employee normally performs his work.
Article 20 - Online signature
If the employer and employee use the online signature service for this electronic contract that has been drawn up on the Rocket Lawyer platform, they hereby declare that this contract is the original version and that the contract legally binds them. They will receive an email as soon as both have signed this contract, which proves that this contract has been legally concluded.
Article 21 - Signed copy contract
The employee declares to have received a signed copy of this contract.
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Over het Employment Contract (Dutch Law)
Veelgestelde vragen over het Employment Contract (Dutch Law)
What is difference between Zero Hours Contract and Employment Contract?
A Zero Hours Contract is intended for flexible work where the casual worker is only entitled to wages during the on-call period. An Employment Contract on the other hand, has fixed working hours for a fixed wage.
Is a probationary period mandatory?
A probationary period is not compulsory but has many advantages. In this way, both you and your employee can terminate the employment with immediate effect without reason or consequences. You must however give the reason if your employee explicitly asks you to.
The following conditions apply for a valid probation period:
- this has been agreed in writing
- for a contract longer than 6 months but shorter than 2 years, the maximum probation period is 1 month
- with a permanent contract, the maximum probation period is 2 months
- the length of the probation period is the same for employee and employer
Collective labor agreement meaning
A collective labor agreement (in Dutch: cao) is a written agreement between 1 or more employers and 1 or more trade unions in which generally applicable employment conditions are established that apply to all employees of a particular industry or sector.
What is a penalty clause?
A penalty clause is a provision in the employment contract that states that the employee must pay a penalty if he fails to comply with a specific obligation in the Employment Contract, such as a non-competition clause or non-disclosure clause.
Zero Hours Contract: do I have to pay wages during illness?
That depends on when the on-call worker falls ill. In the event of illness during a call-up, there is a right to continued payment of (part of) the wages. In the event of illness between 2 calls, there is in principle no entitlement to wages, unless he was already scheduled for another call at that time.
Is a job description required in an Employment Contract?
Yes, include a clear job description or description of the activities in the Employment Contract so that your employee knows exactly what is expected of him. This way you can also address him when he is not performing well.
What is the relation between Employment Contract and collective labour agreement?
If a collective labour agreement provides for something else than an Employment Contract, the provision in the collective labor agreement takes precedence over the provision in the Employment Contract.
Is a casual worker entitled to vacation days?
Yes, a casual worker is entitled to a minimum number of holiday hours per year: 4 times the average number of hours worked per week.
When can I terminate a Fixed-term Contract early?
If no interim termination provision is included in the Employment Contract, you cannot terminate early. If this provision is included, you can terminate the contract but only after you have applied for and received a termination permit from the UWV Werkbedrijf.

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