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Will checklist

Make it Legal™ Checklist

Here are a few important steps to take to finish your document

Read your Will to make sure it meets your needs.

Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

The process for signing and formalising your Will (known as the ‘execution of the Will’) involves three people: you and two witnesses. You must all be present throughout the entire signing process.


Each witness must have mental capacity and should:

  1. not be under the age of 18

  2. not be an executor or beneficiary of your Will

  3. not be related to you or to anyone mentioned in your Will, either by blood, marriage or civil partnership (but they can be related to each other)

It is preferable for your witnesses to be your age or younger, as this makes it more likely that they will be alive at your death in case they need to give evidence about the signing of your Will.

Signing process

  1. Print a copy of your Will.

  2. Before signing, you should carefully read your Will again.

  3. Your witnesses do not need to read your Will, although they should be informed that it is your Will they are witnessing.

  4. In the presence of your two witnesses and in the spaces provided, you should: 

    1. date the document (eg ‘the 6th day of June 2012’)

    2. sign your name using your ‘usual’ signature where indicated whilst your witnesses watch

Ask your two witnesses to add, in your presence, their ‘usual’ signatures where indicated, asking them to print their names, addresses and occupations clearly for identification purposes.

No alterations should be made after your Will is signed. If you want to change your Will you should use a codicil or make a new Last Will and Testament.

Once executed, make a copy of your Will and store the original safely away.

Remember to review your Will regularly, especially if there are any changes to your circumstances (eg if you get married or have a child).

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