Tenants are also known as ‘contract holders’ in Wales. For the avoidance of doubt, references to ‘tenants’ also apply to ‘contract holders’ unless otherwise specified.
Rent Demand Letter checklist
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You've made your document, great work! Now you should...
Read the Rent Demand Letter to make sure it meets your needs. Check that the landlord and tenant details and the property address are correct. Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.
The landlord or their agent must sign the Rent Demand Letter.
Sign online
You can select to sign online using RocketSign.
Sign in print
Print out a copy of the Rent Demand Letter.
The landlord or their agent must sign over their name.
If signed by the landlords
Make a copy of the original signed Rent Demand Letter. Send the original signed copy to the tenant(s) by following the steps below.
If signed by the agent
Make a copy of the original signed Rent Demand Letter for the agent and the landlord. Send the original copy to the tenant(s) by following the relevant steps below.
The Rent Demand Letter can be sent:
by post - allow at least 3 working days for delivery when you use Royal Mail to post your Letter. Consider using a recorded delivery service, which allows your Letter to be tracked. Ask for proof of postage and keep it in a safe place.
by hand - this involved personally posting the Letter into the postbox of the rented property or giving the Letter to the tenant(s). This gives you the security of knowing when the Letter gets to the tenant(s) and removes uncertainty about the method of posting. You can take someone with you to witness this. After delivering the Letter:
write a note of the time and date of delivering the Letter
sign and date the note, and
ask the witness to sign and add their name, address and occupation and the date directly underneath your signature. Your witness should not be related to you, must have mental capacity and must not be under the age of 18.
by email - if the tenant(s) expressly agreed to this. Check your Tenancy agreement to see what it says about emailing such notices. Do not email the Letter if the agreement does not expressly say that you can do so. Request ‘read receipts’ as proof of delivery.
The landlord (and their agent) should store safely away their copy of the signed Rent Demand Letter. They should also keep proof of postage (if the Letter was posted), read receipts (if the Letter was emailed) or the witnessed note of delivery (if the Letter was delivered in person).
A copy of the Rent Demand Letter will also be automatically stored in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.