Read the document to make sure it meets your needs and that you’ve provided all of the necessary information about the terms of your intended contract. Remember that, if you have any questions, you can Ask a lawyer for advice.
Heads of Terms Make it Legal Checklist
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You've made your document, great work! Now you should...
Each party to the Heads of Terms must sign the document. If either party is a company or an LLP, its representative (ie signatory) must sign.
You can sign your Heads of Terms by either:
signing in print, or
signing online using RocketSign
Each party should keep their own original signed document. If you signed online, you should download and securely store a copy of your Heads of Terms for your records and ensure the other party does so too.
A copy of your Heads of Terms will also be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.
Remember that Heads of Terms are not intended to form a full, legally binding contract between the parties - this comes later. Aspects of your Heads of Terms, however, are intended to be legally binding. Specifically, the sections on exclusivity, confidentiality, and non-solicitation, if included.