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Employee Vaccination Policy checklist

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Read the Employee Vaccination Policy to make sure it meets your needs.

Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

Send a copy of your Employee Vaccination Policy to your staff to read and ensure they understand all aspects of the Policy.

Make the Employee Vaccination Policy available to employees by, for example, including it in induction packs, providing it in hard copy, sending it out by email, putting it on notice boards or an intranet site, or other easily accessible workplace computer systems.

As the Employee Vaccination Policy is not a contract it does not need to be signed or agreed to by your staff. However, you may wish to ask your staff to sign an acknowledgement to show that they received the Policy.

Take steps to review your Vaccination Policy on a regular basis and to make the updated version available to your staff. Keep a record of all previous Policies, when they were implemented and when they were provided to your workforce.

Keep a copy of the Employee Vaccination Policy for your records. A copy of the Policy will also be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.

Staff should also keep a copy of the Policy or have easy access to it via a staff intranet or handbook.

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