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Birth Plan checklist

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Read the Birth Plan carefully to make sure it meets your needs and accurately reflects your childbirth and postpartum preferences. Speak to all relevant parties (eg your intended birth partner(s), your midwife or doctor) and make them aware of your Birth Plan. It is particularly important that your intended birth partner(s) and your midwife are familiar with your Birth Plan. This will help them better understand your thoughts, feelings and priorities regarding the birth of your child.

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Bear in mind that your Birth Plan is simply a plan and that you can always change your mind about your wishes before and during labour.

Show your Birth Plan to your midwife (eg during one of your antenatal appointments). Discuss your Birth Plan with your midwife, ask any questions you may have and find out more about what will happen when you go into labour. After speaking to your midwife, make any changes to your Birth Plan that you feel are necessary.

Because your midwife may not always be able to advocate for you when you’re in labour, you should also share your Birth Plan with your intended birth partner(s) and talk to them about your wishes and preferences. This way, when you’re in labour, your birth partner(s) can advocate for you and help you give birth in the way you want.

Store your Birth Plan and bring it with you during labour. You can, for example, consider placing a copy of your Birth Plan in your hospital go-bag.

You can also provide copies of your Birth Plan to your birth partner(s) and ask them to bring these with them when you go into labour.

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