MAKE YOUR FREE Privacy policy

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How to make a Privacy policy

What is a privacy policy?

A website privacy policy sets out the purpose of data collection on your website, the types of information collected and the scope and limitation of data processing on your website. It should outline your business' practices in relation to the collection, storage and use of personal data gathered on your website. Examples of data include names, dates of birth, contact details or credit card details.

Use this General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant privacy policy template for any e-commerce, blog or other website that asks users to disclose personal information. As well as reassuring online customers and users, it can also ensure that you have their permission to store cookies on their computer. The website privacy policy aims to make your internet business compliant with UK and EU data privacy laws. It covers key issues such as the use of personal data, links to other websites, passwords and security.

This document is GDPR compliant.

Other names for Privacy policy

Privacy policy for a website, Data protection policy, Online privacy policy.