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What is a Horse Lease?

Whether you're the owner of a horse or you're looking to rent one, you'll want to use a Horse Lease designed especially for your situation. A Horse Lease is an agreement where a horse owner (the "lessor") allows another person or business (the "lessee") access to a horse in exchange for an agreed-upon payment that partially covers things such as boarding, feed, and veterinary bills. When ready, you can tap or click the "Make document" button to check out our sample Horse Lease and see what information you'll need to personalize your document.

When to use a Horse Lease:

  • You own a horse and are leasing the horse to another individual.
  • You will be leasing a horse and want to set terms for your agreements.
  • You are currently leasing a horse but have no written agreement and you want to clarify the agreement by putting it in writing.

Sample Horse Lease

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This agreement is entered into this day, and shall be effective through between , "Lessee", and , "Lessor". The Lessee is agreeing to care for and maintain , known as while in Lessee's possession and pay fee of per month in exchange for exclusive use of the animal for the purpose of riding and showing in accordance with the terms of this lease. The following terms and conditions shall apply for the length of the lease.


The Lessor shall not be held responsible for loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, cost and expense (including legal expense) arising out of or connected with the use, stabling or actions for the leased animal while under the possession, use or control of Lessee. whether under control and supervision of the Lessee or not. The Lessor will not be responsible for any accident or injury to any person or animal who comes in contact with the above named animal, while under the possession, use or control of Lessee. during the term of this lease.


The Lessor agrees not to hold the Lessee responsible for death or Veterinary care outside ordinary care for any pre-existing medical conditions the animal has at the start of the lease. The value of is currently estimated at .


Should the animal become for sale during the term of the lease, and a legitimate offer is made on the horse by a third party, the Lessee shall have the right to match the offer and assume ownership of the animal before any other offers would be accepted.


The animal included in this lease shall remain the sole property of Lessor and the Lessee shall have no right, title, or loan to any other part of said animal except as stated here.


at  ,   is to be considered the principle home stable during the term of this lease, but permission is granted for temporary stabling at other locations for the purpose of showing, demonstrations or such activities, but prior approval must be obtained from the Lessor to change the principle home stable.


The Lessee shall use proper care and good judgment in maintaining and training said animal in quality show condition or a close to when lease began while the animal is under Lessees care and control during this lease. The Lessee will inform the Lessor immediately of any health concerns or injuries to the animal notices or obtained while under Lessees care. The Lessee will be responsible for all regular veterinary care. The Lessee will be responsible for all fees, bills and other expenses acquired by Lessee regarding the animal during this lease. The Lessee is responsible for any medical expenses or veterinary bills which result from Lessees improper care or neglect of the animal, or the animal's illness or injury while in Lessees care.


The Lessee shall use proper care and good judgment in maintaining and training said animal in quality show condition or as close to when lease began. The Lessee agrees to follow practices of good husbandry which protect the animal from suffering, illness or injury. This includes but is not limited to keeping all required immunizations, regular veterinary care, and adequate food, water and attention. Lessee shall be responsible for all expenses during the lease including boarding, farrier, transportation, veterinary, and show expenses. Owner will be responsible for regular veterinary care. All fees, bills, etc. shall be considered personal bills of Lessee and in no way shall be considered a lien on this animal, by a boarding facility, or other creditors of the Lessee who are notified of this Agreement.



(A) (i) provided the equipment or tack; and
(ii) the equipment or tack caused the injury;
(B) (i) provided the equine; and
(ii) failed to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine whether:
(a) the participant could engage safely in the equine activity and safely manage the particular equine; or
(b) the equine could behave safely with the participant;
(C) owns, leases, rents, or is in legal possession and control of land or facilities upon which the participant sustained injuries because of a dangerous condition which was known to or should have been known to the sponsor or professional and for which warning signs have not been conspicuously posted;
(D) (i) commits an act or omission that constitutes negligence, gross negligence, or willful or wanton disregard for the safety of the participant; and (ii) that act or omission causes the injury; or
(E) intentionally injures or causes the injury to the participant.







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By:   Date:  




Horse Lease Checklist



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The Agreement can be signed online. It becomes effective as of the date specified in the Agreement.


___Everyone gets a copy. Anyone named in the document should receive a copy of the signed document. If you sign this agreement online a copy will be securely stored in your account. You can share your document from your account.

Horse Lease FAQs

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  • What does it mean to lease or "half-lease" a horse?

    In its simplest form to lease a horse is to rent it from the owner. Specific details that you may want to include in the Horse Lease Agreement are:

    • A description of your horse and its estimated value
    • Contact information for the renter
    • How payment will be made
    • What the start and end dates are
    • Who will be financially responsible for veterinary care
    • Whether or not there are any restrictions on using the horse for shows or other special events

    As expected, the Horse Lease will also include language related to overdue fees, liability, and governing law. Further alterations are possible, as needed.

    Leasing "half of a horse," means that two separate individuals are splitting the horse's care expenses and riding time. Costs that will be shared can include: board, feed, veterinary bills, etc. Both parties to the agreement will determine a schedule for access to the horse. The agreement can be beneficial for the horse if you are unable to ride it extensively. This agreement is also sometimes referred to as "shared-boarding."

  • Is leasing a horse a good idea?

    Horse Leases are a common solution for families wishing to find a horse appropriate to the size of the rider, or for young adults who are soon headed to college, and whose families do not wish to own a horse that they may need to sell in a short period of time. In addition to having potentially lower transaction costs, the cost of a lease is almost always lower than the cost of purchasing a horse outright.

    Even if you are renting out your horse as a favor, it is always a best practice to make a Horse Lease. Signing this document will most likely be good for you due to the following benefits:

    • Neither party is surprised by how long the rental will last
    • Roles and responsibilities are understood by everyone
    • Payment-related information is clearly defined

    Anyone opting not to use a Horse Rental Agreement can anticipate some issues, such as confusion about payment dates and unexpected changes to the arrangement.

  • Is this Horse Rental Agreement legally binding under local law?

    As with any other contract, a Horse Rental Agreement will not be legally binding until all parties to the agreement have signed. This is not a run-of-the-mill Horse Lease template. Any Horse Rental Agreement under a Rocket Lawyer Premium membership can be reinforced by optional Document Defense® support from an attorney.

  • How can I fill out a custom Horse Rental Agreement online?

    In order to write a free Horse Lease online with Rocket Lawyer, you can get started by tapping or clicking on "Make document" above. You will then be led through a set of questions about your situation to produce your customized contract. After drafting your Horse Rental Agreement, you might also consider having a Rocket Lawyer On Call® attorney review it. This route, in most cases, will end up being much more affordable and convenient than hiring the average attorney at a cost totaling a few hundred dollars or more, if the matter is complex.

  • Will anyone be able to review my Horse Rental Agreement before I sign?

    Hiring someone to comment on your document might take longer than you think if you attempt to do it by yourself. An alternate approach could be through the Rocket Lawyer On Call® network . Rocket Lawyer Premium members are able to ask for a document review from an experienced attorney or ask additional legal questions. When managing your rentals, you can Work Confidently® knowing that Rocket Lawyer is by your side.

  • Is anything else required after creating a Horse Lease?

    When you are ready to finish up your drafted document, it must be signed by both parties. Using RocketSign®, you can ensure that the lessee signs and receives a copy of the fully executed contract. As a Rocket Lawyer member, you also may make copies of it, download it as a Word or PDF document, and/or print it out as necessary. Also, feel free to explore our larger library of additional contracts and documents .

  • How much money does it cost to lease a horse?

    The cost to lease a horse is usually determined by the amount of the horse's value. For example, a full one-year lease typically runs in the range of 25-30% of the horse's value. A horse worth $5,000 will cost $1,250-$1,500 to lease for a year.

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