MAKE YOUR FREE Life Insurance Proceeds Letter
Other Names:
Life Insurance Beneficiary Letter
Life Insurance Policy Information Request

What is a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter?
A Life Insurance Proceeds Letter can be used to request information or payment if you are the beneficiary of the policy. This letter is a formal way of finding out who the beneficiary is if you're unsure and to help speed the process along. A Life Insurance Proceeds Letter can get you the information you need and get the process started.
When it comes time to file a beneficiary claim, you may need to file a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter. Maybe you need to find out what steps to take, after all, things can get complicated when there's more than one beneficiary. Make sure you have everything straightened out and that you're playing by the rules. The policyholder wanted to make sure you and their other important people are cared for after they pass. While the purpose of life insurance is to make things just a little bit easier for the beneficiaries, there's still some paperwork to take care of first. Get started and find out what you need to do to file your claim with a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter.
When it comes time to file a beneficiary claim, you may need to file a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter. Maybe you need to find out what steps to take, after all, things can get complicated when there's more than one beneficiary. Make sure you have everything straightened out and that you're playing by the rules. The policyholder wanted to make sure you and their other important people are cared for after they pass. While the purpose of life insurance is to make things just a little bit easier for the beneficiaries, there's still some paperwork to take care of first. Get started and find out what you need to do to file your claim with a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter.
When to use a Life Insurance Proceeds Letter:
- You're the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, and the policyholder has passed.
- You want to find out information about filing a claim.
- You need to request IRS Form 712.
Sample Life Insurance Proceeds Letter
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Re: Estate of
Date of Death:
I am
Letters of Appointment of the ExecutorLetters of AdministrationLetters Testamentary and as needed to process the claim. Please furnish the IRS Form 712 for use in the preparation of estate tax returns. following at the address shown on the Proof of Loss Form. :
in policy number in a policy on the life of who resides at , , . on another person whose identity is unknown to me. Please send me the necessary information and forms to cash in the Decedent's interest in this policy. and a Change of Beneficiary Designation form
Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information. or
Thank you for your assistance.