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Other Names: Application for Payment of Agreement Contractor's Application for Payment of Contract
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What is an Application for Payment of Contract?

You've just completed a contracting project, and are ready to collect payment. Create an Application for Payment of Contract to help protect your rights and responsibilities while getting compensated for your work. You'll want to complete the payment request as soon as you finish the job, so that you can refer to your records if any questions about payment come up. 
An Application for Payment of Contract is a useful tool for independent contractors, since it allows you to complete a payment request form for work you've finished on a project. The payment application works like an invoice, in that you can use it at the end of an entire job, or for various stages of a long-term project. If you use sub-contractors, you'll also be able to detail the exact amounts owed to each one. When creating your Payment Request, you'll want to include details like: the payment application number; the period covered by the application; the total contract price in the original contract; the name of the project; the name of the contractor; who's responsible for paying the contractor; and other details of the amount due.

When to use an Application for Payment of Contract:

  • You are a contractor who needs to request payment for work completed.

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Application for Payment of Contract





Payment Amount Requested for work completed during the period from to in accordance with contract dated in the amount of for work on the following project:


Project Name:


Project Location:



Subcontractor/Supplier Labor/Material Amount Due












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