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MAKE YOUR FREE Oklahoma Living Will

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Other Names: Oklahoma Advance Directive Oklahoma Advance Healthcare Directive Oklahoma Medical Directive Oklahoma Advance Medical Directive Oklahoma Advance Health Care Directive
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What is an Oklahoma Living Will?

An Oklahoma Living Will is a legal document that outlines your wishes in relation to health care, such as your refusal or acceptance of a medical treatment or procedure, in addition to the optional naming of a trusted decision maker or "agent." 
The person making a Living Will is called the "principal," and the individual or organization obtaining authority to carry out the principal's wishes is called the "agent." Suited for Oklahoma residents, this Living Will is made for use in Atoka County, Adair County, Alfalfa County, and in every other county across the state. Any Oklahoma Living Will form from Rocket Lawyer can be tailored to address your specific scenario. As a result of this legal document, your medical institutions will have a point of reference for your preferences, and your agent will be able to provide proof that they have been given the authority to make choices for you.

When to use an Oklahoma Living Will:

  • You're selling personal property and want a written agreement.
  • You're buying property and want written proof of the agreement.
  • You want assurance that the seller has the legal right to sell the property.
  • As the seller, you want to document payment agreements.

Sample Oklahoma Living Will

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I, , being of sound mind and eighteen (18) years of age or older, willfully and voluntarily make known my desire, by my instructions to others through my Living Will, or by my appointment of a health care Proxy, or both, that my life shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set forth below. I thus do hereby declare:




If my attending physician and another physician determine that I am no longer able to make decisions regarding my medical treatment, I direct my attending physician and other health care providers, pursuant to the Oklahoma Rights of the Terminally Ill or Persistently Unconscious Act, to withhold or withdraw treatment from me under the circumstances I have indicated below by my signature. I understand that I will be given treatment that is necessary for my comfort or to alleviate my pain.


If I have a terminal condition, I direct that life-sustaining treatment shall be withheld or withdrawn if such treatment would only prolong my process of dying, and if my attending physician and another physician determine that I have an incurable and irreversible condition that even with the administration of life-sustaining treatment will cause my death within six (6) months.




Declarant Initials


I understand that the subject of the artificial administration of nutrition and hydration (food and water) is of particular importance if I have a condition described above. I understand that if I do not sign this paragraph, artificially administered nutrition (food) and hydration (water) will be administered to me. I further understand that if I sign this paragraph, I am authorizing the withholding and withdrawal of artificially administered nutrition and hydration.




Declarant Initials




I direct that at the time of my death my entire body or designated body organs or body parts be donated for purposes of transplantation, therapy, advancement of medical or dental science or research or education pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. Death means either irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem. I specifically donate:






Declarant Initials

If I have been diagnosed as pregnant and that diagnosis is known to my physician, this document shall have no force or effect during the course of my pregnancy.



If any provision in this document is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the directions in this document are severable.


In the absence of my ability to give directions regarding the use of life-sustaining procedures, it is my intention that this advance directive shall be honored by my family and physicians as the final expression of my legal right to refuse medical or surgical treatment including, but not limited to the administration of any life-sustaining procedures and I accept the consequences of such refusal.


This advance directive shall be in effect until it is revoked. I understand that I may revoke this directive at any time. I understand and agree that if I have any prior directives, and if I sign this advance directive, my prior directives are revoked. I understand the full importance of this advance directive and I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this advance directive.


Signed this ____ day of _______________, _____.



Declarant Signature:________________________________________







This advance directive was signed in my presence. Each of us is at least eighteen (18) years of age or older, and neither of us is a legatee, devisee, or heir at law of the Declarant.




Witness Signature: ________________________________________




Witness Signature: ________________________________________


_____ (your Health Care Proxy)


* You should discuss the document and your wishes with any person you want to designate as a Health Care Proxy before doing so to assure they agree to act on your behalf.


Oklahoma Living Will FAQs

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  • How do I write a Living Will in Oklahoma?

    It's simple and easy to outline your medical wishes with a free Oklahoma Living Will template from Rocket Lawyer:

    1. Make the document - Answer a few basic questions, and we will do the rest
    2. Send or share it - Look over the document with your healthcare agent(s) or get legal help
    3. Sign it and make it legal - Required or not, witnesses and notarization are a best practice

    This solution will often end up being notably less time-consuming than hiring the average law firm. If necessary, you can fill out this Living Will on behalf of your spouse or another relative, and then help that person sign it when ready. Please keep in mind that for this document to be considered valid, the principal must be a mentally competent adult when they sign. If the principal has already been declared legally incompetent, a court-appointed conservatorship might be necessary. When dealing with this scenario, it would be best for you to speak with an attorney .

  • Do I need to have a Living Will?

    Anyone who is over 18 ought to have a Living Will. Although it's challenging to acknowledge, there may come a time when you are not able to make your own medical decisions. Typical situations where it would be useful to make or update your Living Will include:

    • You are managing a terminal illness
    • You are planning for an upcoming medical procedure or hospitalization
    • You currently live in or have plans to move into an adult care facility
    • You are getting older or have declining health

    Whether this Oklahoma Living Will is being created as a result of a recent change in your health or as part of a forward-looking plan, witnesses and notarization are highly recommended as a best practice for protecting this document and/or your agent if anyone challenges their authority. That said, Living Wills are not valid during pregnancy in Oklahoma.

  • Do I need an attorney to review my Living Will in Oklahoma?

    Making a Living Will is normally simple to do, but you or your agent(s) could need advice. Hiring a lawyer to provide feedback on your Oklahoma Living Will might be expensive. An easier option is through attorney services at Rocket Lawyer. As a Premium member, you can get your document reviewed or ask any questions. You can rest assured that Rocket Lawyer will be here for you.

  • What might I traditionally need to pay to make a Living Will in Oklahoma?

    The fees associated with meeting and hiring a conventional law firm to make a Living Will could add up to anywhere from $200 to $1,000, depending on where you are. Different from other Living Will template websites that you might discover elsewhere, Rocket Lawyer offers Premium members up to a 40% discount when hiring a lawyer, so an attorney from our network can represent you if you ever need support.

  • Would I need to take additional actions after writing an Oklahoma Living Will?

    After making this Living Will form on Rocket Lawyer, you can get to it in your account at any time and place. Feel free to engage with it in any of the following ways: making edits, saving it in Word or PDF format, and/or signing it. Each Oklahoma Living Will form has a set of tips on what is next after the document is completed. Your agent(s) and care providers should receive copies of the fully executed document.

  • Does a Living Will need to be notarized or witnessed in Oklahoma?

    The specific guidelines and restrictions governing Living Wills will be different in each state; however, in Oklahoma, your document must be signed by two witnesses. Your witnesses should not include your spouse, adopted children, relatives, heirs, or any other beneficiary. As a basic principle, your witnesses must not be under the age of 18, and none should also be named as your healthcare agent.

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