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What is a Job Offer Rejection Letter?

A Job Offer Rejection Letter is a letter to formally reject a job offer. Regardless of the reason you may be rejecting the offer, it is courteous to let the employer know that you will not be taking the position they have offered you, and in some cases, why you are unable or unwilling to accept the position. 

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Dear ,


Thank you for considering me for the position with . It was a very difficult decision for me to make, but after careful consideration, of personal reasons.


Once again, I would like to thank you for your time throughout the interview process. You have my best wishes in finding someone suitable for the position.





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Job Offer Rejection Letter FAQs

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  • What should be included in a Job Offer Rejection Letter?

    When writing a job offer rejection letter, it is important to get straight to the point while remaining courteous. Typically, to do so, you should:

    • Thank the employer for their time and energy
    • Briefly state why you are rejecting their job offer
    • Wish them luck in their search
  • How do you write a rejection letter for a job?

    Declining a job offer with a letter is quick and easy with Rocket Lawyer. You only have to answer a short series of short questions and Rocket Lawyer's document builder will create a personalized letter for you within minutes. Prepare answers to the following questions in advance to speed up the process even more:

    • Who is the employer?
    • Who is the hiring manager?
    • What is the title of the position?
    • Why are you rejecting the job?
    • When will the letter be sent?
  • What is the best reason to reject a job offer?

    There are many reasons why an individual would or should reject a job offer. Common reasons to reject a job offer can include: finding a better opportunity, salary, culture, personal reasons (e.g. illness), etc.

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