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When is the tax extension deadline for businesses filing 2023 tax returns?

The deadline for S-Corporations and Partnership to file 2023 returns or request extensions is March 15, 2024.

The due date for C-Corporations to file 2023 returns or request extensions this year is April 15, 2024.

Sole proprietors filing a Schedule C on their 2023 individual tax returns will also have until April 15, 2024 to file returns or request extensions.

For businesses in and residents of Maine and Massachusetts, due to state holidays, the April 15 deadline is extended to April 17.

Don't forget that getting an extension of time to file your taxes does not give you an extension on paying what you owe. Talking to a tax pro can help you understand how much to pay and when to pay, which can be especially important when requesting an extension from the IRS.

What relief is available for businesses impacted by recent severe storms or disasters?

Businesses and individual tax filers impacted by recent severe storms or disasters may qualify for an extension to both file and pay their federal taxes. This extension is automatically applied and based on the taxpayers address being located within the disaster areas. Extensions have been announced for certain counties in the following states for 2024:

  • Rhode Island.
  • Connecticut.
  • Tennessee.
  • Maine.
  • West Virginia.
  • Michigan.
  • California.
  • Washington.

From time to time, the IRS will provide extensions to businesses and individuals located in certain states or regions due to significant weather events or disasters. If severe weather this winter or early spring leads to a disaster in your region, you can check with the IRS to see if the tax filing due date was extended in your area. Extension dates can differ depending on how you file your taxes and the timing of the original deadlines.

Taking a proactive approach to your small business tax obligations can help you avoid tax penalties or interest payments. Having professional tax preparation and filing assistance can provide peace of mind. If you need a tax extension or help with filing your returns, Rocket Lawyer can now match you with a tax pro for affordable and convenient tax filing services. For your tax law questions, reach out to a Rocket Lawyer network attorney for affordable legal advice.

This article contains general legal information and does not contain legal advice. Rocket Lawyer is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. The law is complex and changes often. For legal advice, please ask a lawyer.

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